We're really sorry Wild Turkey's for all of the mischief. We really do enjoy reading your blog and hope that you will reopen it for our
view. The truth is that if it weren't for your blog we may not be in the position we are now. Since discovering your blog we have had a perfect record in both leagues that we are in. Seems we just needed something to fight for. Perhaps it was just enough to get our blood pumping a little more. We meant no harm by any of our posts on our page nor by any of our comments on yours. It was just a little gamesmanship. We do respect your team for its record in the regular season and just felt we should give you a little needling for good measure. We were hoping that you would discover our blog and we might be able to get a little rivalry going. Remember, you started your blog first. We just answered back. Do you remember this comment that you made, "They are annoying people, and I don't like them very much."? Well if you don't, it was a comment made about us, by you. We found this among other parts of your blog rather funny and enjoy reading about the ups and downs of your team. You will be able to
view or comment on our blog as much as you like, and we hope that you will allow us to to the same. If not, it was a good run and we hope to see you next year. After all, we do owe some of our success to you.
P.S. nah nah nah nah boo boo!
Compatriots -
a few things:
we very much enjoy a friendly rivalry, no worries on that front. the temporary 'banning' is simply a result of non-deadmoney related posts. stay tuned.
also, please tell me you started this:
we cannot figure it out (unless it was one of our own)
we will be by in 6 months to pick up the league trophy for our allotted share of the title.
Chet Slaughterhaus
I like the post. I agree. The Turkey's blog makes for some good news on a slow day at the office. Please drop the ban.
I looked at PT Green. Haha. We are too intese....and they should get some new bats.
We definately know how it is to be at the bottom (Thunder). It took us what, 6-7 years to win this bad boy?
Good luck on Thursday nights!
What's the status on the Post season Tourney?
Yeah, we like the rivalry that this could start.
Did you guys start the PT Green blog, or is it really them? We can't tell.
We certainly did not create that page. I wouldn't have been so complimentary of Wild Turkeys and Ballz Deep. lol! Bring back the blog so my life can be complete again. I know, it's sad.
!!!!!PT!!!Green!!sure uses a!!!!!lot of !!!exclamation!!!!points!!in!!!!thier!!!blog!!! Talk about intense
Sorry make so many posts but I was only skimming the PT Green blog when I saw this written about the Wild Turkeys, "They seem pretty young and funny.". Sounds like somebody's in love.
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