Even with the distraction of just winning a championship last week and a veritable goulash for a defensive roster, Dead Money pulls out two more wins in the Minnetonka Tuesday night Double Header league. However, it was somewhat of a disappointment to go 6 innings with the Hopkins Fire Department. Those guys (and a girl!) are not even close to being tough competition. That game should have been put away after the second inning. The second game was a bit tougher and appeared that it might give us a little more trouble. But, once again we overcome adversity and come back after being down 0-7, and ten run Mainstreets in the bottom of the 5th. Amazing.
Lest we not forget how they scored the 7 runs (all in the 1st inning and I believe 3 or 4 runs were walked in!!)
Great job Derek on getting back on track after the 1st! You wanted to stop pitching, but we just wouldn't let you.
In addition I'm pretty sure Mainstreets thought they were going to kick our ass starting with pre-game
wow, this blog sure has taken a sharp turn into suckville.
team been losing?
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