Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wanted: Coon Dog

Dead Money is searching for a well trained Coon Hound. This dog must be able to track, tree a Coon, be a good swimmer, and also be clever. The necessity for a Coon Hound has been apparent since the first week of play. We have used more modern approaches for hunting Coon, such as: phone calls, text messages, and emails. I have even seen evidence of the use of Facebook. All have failed miserably. So, a more traditional approach seems to be the way to go.
We have two games tonight. One against the under achieving Wild Turkeys, and the other against an unknown and undefeated Elite Exteriors. Need to bring the "A" game tonight. We know the Turkeys will be trying desperately for their first win of the season.
Where are you Tom Coon?


Brooks said...

I'm sorry, I need to ammend the post. The Turkeys are 2-1. They beat Ballz Deep 3-2??? WTF?

Brooks said...

One more amendment, the Turkeys were 1-2, not 2-1 before last nights games. And we now know that they lost their first game. So either 1-4 or 2-3. Also, the use of the Coon Hound worked! We found our Coon in a local hospital licking his wounds from an appendix surgery.